
How to for Universum Vox..

 bash> tam.rst ...  -universum-vox-conf-dir "/tst/uv_configs" command: {lst universum vox} command: {universum vox >Number of config in list< 0} Example of JSON. Main config.. { "type_":"morph", "alg0":17, "num_of_channels":2, "sound_duration":15000, "num_of_rnd_samples":233, "sample_rate":44100, "bits_per_sample":32, "sample_format":"f32", "bar_sample":0.999, "fading_duration":452, "silent_step":200, "fading_step":0.65, "step_factor":220, "old_freq":-0.9, "new_freq":500.1, "range":2.0, "scale":10.0, "step_freq":1.0, "coef":[1.1,0.35,0.37,0.35,0.03], "plus_minus_freq":true, "select_channel":0, "geoms":[{"tria":{"a":1.2,"b":0.1,"step":0.04,"bar":0.94,"direct":false}},     ...

Incremental Poweroff.

 qdbus org.kde.ActivityManager /ActivityManager/Activities SetCurrentActivity 8fa63726-6d6a-4f8f-ba47-88a7c02f9918;sudo custom_poweroff cat (which custom_poweroff) #!/bin/bash sync batchkill;sleep 7;extdrives2off;sleep 13;macchanger enp6s0 -m cc:cc:cc:cc:cc:cc;sleep 10;ethtool -s enp6s0 wol g;sleep 1;systemctl poweroff cat (which batchkill) #!/bin/bash #sync pkill -9 qbitt pkill -9 transmi pkill -9 deluge pkill -9 rsync pkill -9 dolphin pkill smpla pkill -9 chrom pkill -9 opera pkill -9 vival pkill -9 water pkill -9 telegr pkill -9 AppRun.wr pkill -9 vlc cat (which extdrives2off) #!/bin/bash toffusbstuff usb_ext4 toffusbstuff UEFI_NTFS  toffusbstuff pock toffusbstuff bkp1 toffusbstuff evr cat (which toffusbstuff) #!/bin/bash sync name=$(lsblk -o label,name|grep -i $1|grep -io sd[a-z][0-9]) umount -lf /dev/$name udisksctl power-off -b /dev/$name echo $name

Some remarks on MIDI stuff.

 Run Fluid-Synth. >_  sudo fluidsynth --server --audio-driver=alsa -o audio.alsa.device=hw:0 /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 Run Timidity. >_  sudo timidity -iA Timidity vs Fluid-Synth. In my case, Fluid-Synth works out of the box w/o extra efforts. Whether real-time Linux kernel is worthy, huh? Absolutely Nope: user-space is major provider of latencies. What about Jack?    Mostly useless too: theoretically it makes possible sophisticated rerouting of midi/audio ports, but in Practice, for simple/cheap systems, it just causes greater lags & extra load on cpu as well.. Professional sound-making studios are always the matter of hardware ;D MIDI to WAV. 1stly, export or re-export midi from Rosegarden to set instruments in, then.. >_ sudo fluidsynth -F /tmp/Universum\ Vox.wav /usr/share/sounds/sf2/FluidR3_GM.sf2 /tmp/Universum\ Vox.mid or  >_ sudo timidity /tmp/Universum\ Vox.mid -Ow --output-stereo  

TAM + Neovim + Github

 list git_history.. term  cp -fv ../src/* ./src/; cp -fv ../ ./; cp -fv ../Cargo.toml ./; cp -vf ../LICENSE ./ term git add src/* Cargo.toml LICENSE term git commit -m "v 4.1.1" -m "" term git switch pre-workable term git switch not_tested_func term git switch trunk term git push -u term cargo clean;cargo publish term git log term git reset --hard HEAD term git checkout commit_hash term  git commit --amend -m "" term git rm Cargo.lock term git commit -m "v 4.1.1" -m "corrections & optimizations." term git switch --orphan NAME ================================  > nano ~/.fishrc alias gitty.rst='~/Rust/TAM/target/debug/sark0y_tam_rst -find-files -path ~/Rust/TAM/src -in-name "pass==-iE \.rs" -view-w "" -view-w "nano" -tui-app "vim" -tui-app "ne" -view-w "mc" -dont-exit $argv' OR.. alias gitty.rst='sark0y_tam_rst -find-files -path ~/Ru...

Rust for Neovim.,-NvChad,-Mason,-and-rust%E2%80%90analyzer-from-scratch

TAM, guide of features & smart tricks.

 Current version is 9.1.3. So, Dear User, let's dive into.. Install TAM. cargo install sark0y_tam_rst Run TAM. fish> nano ~/.fishrc alias tam.rst='sark0y_tam_rst -find-files -path /path/to/dir -cols 3 -rows 9 -in-name \'pass==-iE \w\' -view-w "flatpak run info.smplayer.SMPlayer" -view-w "smplayer" -view-w "gwenview" -dont-exit $argv' bash> nano ~/.bashrc alias tam.rst='sark0y_tam_rst -find-files -path /path/to/dir -cols 3 -rows 9 -in-name "pass==-iE \w" -view-w "flatpak run info.smplayer.SMPlayer" -view-w "smplayer" -view-w "gwenview" -dont-exit $@' So, now it's possible just.. > tam.rst Some terminology.. Actually, TAM provides commands & subcommands: for shorter notation, c{...} is a command; s{...} is a subcommand + we have hotkeys {UpArrow}, {DownArrow}, {Insert} etc. If a context is known for sure - just use {...}. For instance, c{sieve ...} == {sieve ...}. The very P...

How to print a func with Grep.

 grep -oPz  '(?s)fn\s+mk_uid.*?fn' -R ~/Rust/TAM/src/ mk_uid(){     let front_list = take_list_adr_env("found_files").unreel_link_to_depth(1);     let front_list = read_tail(&front_list, "/");     crate::cache::set_uid_cache(&front_list);     crate::update18::upd_screen_or_not( (-1, "".strn() ) ); } pub fn