GOAL: The very reason of this project is to make Your life easy for a little bit thanks to efficient automation of daily routine. FUNCTIONS: For now, TAM makes possible to find files in whatever directory and run them with chosen viewers. hmmm.. yea, looks rather boring ain't it??? :)) well, let's look on some examples & details will show You how this "boring" feature can make Your life better. Examples: So, actually we have hella number of files & we (in many cases) need to use regex to make searching through that endless damn heap efficient, but the most of us have no time to learn such stuff + regex software have some differences. 2nd moment, we need not just run files, but run them with different options. So, let's deal w/ example.. python3 ./tam.py -path0 "/tst" -find_files -tmp_file "/tmp/tst02" -in_name ".mp3" -view_w "vlc --sout-x264-b-bias=-15" -view_w "smplayer" -cols 2 -rows 15 -col_w 100 -i...