TAM, guide of features & smart tricks.
Current version is 9.1.3. So, Dear User, let's dive into.. Install TAM. cargo install sark0y_tam_rst Run TAM. fish> nano ~/.fishrc alias tam.rst='sark0y_tam_rst -find-files -path /path/to/dir -cols 3 -rows 9 -in-name \'pass==-iE \w\' -view-w "flatpak run info.smplayer.SMPlayer" -view-w "smplayer" -view-w "gwenview" -dont-exit $argv' bash> nano ~/.bashrc alias tam.rst='sark0y_tam_rst -find-files -path /path/to/dir -cols 3 -rows 9 -in-name "pass==-iE \w" -view-w "flatpak run info.smplayer.SMPlayer" -view-w "smplayer" -view-w "gwenview" -dont-exit $@' So, now it's possible just.. > tam.rst Some terminology.. Actually, TAM provides commands & subcommands: for shorter notation, c{...} is a command; s{...} is a subcommand + we have hotkeys {UpArrow}, {DownArrow}, {Insert} etc. If a context is known for sure - just use {...}. For instance, c{sieve ...} == {sieve ...}. The very P...
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